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Radio Punishers

Notícias sobre Punishers

O grupo internacional Punishers já foi reconhecido algumas vezes na imprensa. Aqui deixamos um apanhado de algumas notícias.

  • Elvas: Punishers LEMC organiza “Caminhada pela Clarinha”

    Elvas (PT), 10 de Julho de 2022

    Delegação do Cadaval da CVP recebe bens angariados pelo motoclube 'punishers'

    O recém-criado Chapter de Elvas do Punishers Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club (LEMC) vai organizar, no próximo dia 24 de Julho, uma caminhada solidária a favor da menina Clarinha.

    Clara Alves Duarte é uma criança elvense de apenas 4 anos de idade, que padece de uma doença rara e altamente incapacitante, designada por Síndrome DiGeorge.

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  • Delegação do Cadaval da CVP recebe bens angariados pelo motoclube "punishers"

    Lisboa (PT), 26 de Outubro de 2021

    Delegação do Cadaval da CVP recebe bens angariados pelo motoclube 'punishers'

    A Delegação do Cadaval - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa recebeu este sábado, dia 23, uma generosa doação de bens (roupa, calçado, cadeiras para bebés, entre outros), feita por parte do motoclube punishers LE/MC Portugal, que por seu turno tem sede nacional no Concelho.

    Os punishers Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club são um motoclube constituído por agentes de segurança, proteção e socorro, visando não apenas a divulgação do motociclismo, como também o desenvolvimento de ações de solidariedade como esta que levaram a efeito.

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  • Câmara cede edifício desativado a motoclube de agentes solidários

    Lisboa (PT), 23 de Março de 2021

    Câmara cede edifício desativado a motoclube de agentes solidários

    A Câmara Municipal formalizou, dia 22 de março, a cedência de um edifício municipal que se encontrava desativado, para constituir sede da associação Punishers Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club.

    O motoclube, constituído por agentes de segurança, proteção e socorro, tem por finalidade a divulgação do motociclismo, bem como desenvolver ações de solidariedade.

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  • Motards juntam-se à Associação Presença Feminina pelo fim da violência contra as mulheres

    Madeira (PT), 25 de Novembro de 2020

    Motards juntam-se à Associação Presença Feminina pelo fim da violência contra as mulheres

    A Associação Presença Feminina - FEM assinala o Dia Internacional para a Eliminação da Violência contra as Mulheres com o lançamento da campanha 'Motards a rolar... Stop violência contra as Mulheres'.

    A iniciativa conta com a participação dos Punishers Le/MC Portugal, sendo que os membros do motoclube 'dão a cara' num conjunto de cartazes com mensagens a apelar ao fim da violência contra as mulheres, como por exemplo: "Se ele teve coragem de bater... tem coragem de denunciar" ou "Violência contra a mulher não tem desculpa. Tem lei".

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  • Clube de Motards inaugura sede no Funchal

    Madeira (PT), 05 de Novembro de 2020

    Clube de Motards inaugura sede no Funchal

    A Club house do Capter ‘Guardião 2’, do Clube Motards PUNISHERS LE MC PORTUGAL, foi inaugurada no último sábado, no Funchal.

    Nesta cerimónia, que contou com a presença da vereadora da Câmara Municipal do Funchal Madalena Nunes e de Helena Pestana, presidente da Associação Presença Feminina, foi reconhecido o trabalho de voluntariado e solidariedade social efectuado pelo PUNISHERS, constituído "por homens que arriscam suas vidas todos os dias e servem cada comunidade que representamos".

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  • Reconhecido Agradecimento do CASA

    Lisboa (PT), 01 de Outubro de 2020

    Reconhecido Agradecimento do CASA

    O @CentroApoioSemAbrigoLisboa endereça um reconhecido agradecimento ao Grupo Punishers LE/MC Portugal.

    Os @punisherspt têm prestado um enorme apoio à nossa Sociedade Civil, colaborando com o @CentroApoioSemAbrigoLisboa desde Dezembro de 2019, logo no inico da pandemia Covid 19, participando de forma regular e assídua nas actividades desenvolvidas pela Equipa de Sábado B do @CentroApoioSemAbrigoLisboa.

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  • Motorcycle Club Pitches in While Hit-And-Run Victim Recovers From Serious Injuries

    Arkansas (USA), 12 de Agosto de 2018

    Motorcycle Club Pitches in While Hit-And-Run Victim Recovers From Serious Injuries

    It's a long road to recovery for one woman whose foot was shattered in a hit-and-run accident, but a motorcycle group is helping ease her pain.

    Doctors say Julia Torres' daughter, Heather Greene, may not be able to walk for at least a year.

    "Seeing her in so much pain and screaming and crying it breaks your heart," Torres said. "The surgeon in Rogers said in his 22-year career he had never seen anything that bad."

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  • Augusta, Charity Relay of the "Punishers MC Italy" motorcyclists for ADMO and the Vanessa association

    Augusta (Italy), 26 de Junho de 2018

    Augusta, Charity Relay of the 'Punishers MC Italy' motorcyclists for ADMO and the Vanessa association

    The group of motorcyclists, formed by members of the police escorted the association Vanessa throughout Italy organizing moments of awareness and fundraising for ADMO.

    Also in Augusta, on Sunday, the "Bikers up to the marrow" charity relay was promoted to raise awareness about the importance of bone marrow donation, from "Punishers MC Italy", in collaboration with the Vanessa association of Udine, which got it's name from the twenty-year-old girl "Vanessa" which died of leukemia.

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  • Wetzel County boy’s kindness impresses bikers from New York

    West Virginia (USA), 27 de Julho de 2018

    Wetzel County boy’s kindness impresses bikers from New York

    Huckleberry Henderson and Chris Robinson, along with three other friends of Robinson, met briefly on Sunday, July 16 at New Martinsville’s Wal-Mart. However, Henderson left quite the impression, a mark that led Robinson and his friends to social media, to try to contact Henderson again.

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  • Augusta, Charity Relay of the "Punishers MC Italy" motorcyclists for ADMO and the Vanessa association

    Augusta (Italy), 26 de Junho de 2018

    Augusta, Charity Relay of the 'Punishers MC Italy' motorcyclists for ADMO and the Vanessa association

    The group of motorcyclists, formed by members of the police escorted the association Vanessa throughout Italy organizing moments of awareness and fundraising for ADMO.

    Also in Augusta, on Sunday, the "Bikers up to the marrow" charity relay was promoted to raise awareness about the importance of bone marrow donation, from "Punishers MC Italy", in collaboration with the Vanessa association of Udine, which got it's name from the twenty-year-old girl "Vanessa" which died of leukemia.

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  • Girl battling cancer receives a special gift from motorcycle club

    Ohio (USA), 31 de Outubro de 2016

    Girl battling cancer receives a special gift from motorcycle club

    A 4-year-old girl is receiving aggressive chemotherapy five days a week at ProMedica Toledo Children's Hospital. On Halloween, Selina Hernandez got a special gift.

    Hernandez couldn't go trick or treating, so men from the Black Swamp Chapter of Punishers LEMC Ohio brought candy and two gifts to her bedside.

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  • Motorcycle club picks up restaurant tab for Alabama cops: ‘Blue lives matter’

    Alabama (USA), 4 de Dezembro de 2015

    Motorcycle club picks up restaurant tab for Alabama cops: ‘Blue lives matter’

    Hoover City Police officers Eric Myers and Mike Davis were having breakfast Friday morning and got a pleasant surprise when they asked the waiter for the check.

    “We were at The Egg and I in Hoover off of Montgomery Highway,” Myers told Yellowhammer. “When we completed our breakfast the waiter walked over to the table. I requested the ticket, but he handed me a note. Not thinking the note said ‘I covered your meal,’ I asked the waiter again. He pointed to the note and smiled.”

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  • "Punishers" in Name Only: Biker Club Giving Back Across Central Arkansas

    Little Rock, Arkansas (USA), 15 de Julho de 2015

    'Punishers' in Name Only: Biker Club Giving Back Across Central Arkansas

    Spend some time around the bikers who make up the Arkansas chapter of the Punishers Motorcycle Club and you will quickly learn they will stand their own ground at any cost for one of their brothers and their community.

    Many members know a lot about homicide, robbery, assault, burglary. Safe to say, for some, it's their business.

    "We are law enforcement based, so we except law, fire and EMT. Law abiding, like-minded people. We are picky about who we let in. We have a quality group, the best guys I've ever me in my life," said Joey Slayton.

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  • Sch'dy man who helped arrest suspect: 'It was a natural reaction.'

    Albany, New York (USA), 28 de Agosto de 2015

    Sch'dy man who helped arrest suspect: 'It was a natural reaction.'

    When Michael Berrios left his home in Schenectady Thursday night he had no idea he was about to cross paths with a man police had been looking for in relation to serious{}crimes. Speaking to CBS6 News Friday night, he said he feels as though he performed a civic duty by stopping a man police chased up his street.

    "I helped take someone who was bad for our community out of the community," he said. "Hopefully for a while."

    Police arrested 29-year-old Akeem Boynton. On Friday he was arraigned on charges of attempted murder. Police might have caught him anyway but Berrios shortened the chase and may have prevented someone else from coming to harm.

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  • Boy fighting cancer now fighting crime

    Albany, New York (USA), 31 de Maio de 2015

    Boy fighting cancer now fighting crime

    There's a new deputy in town, and he's only 3 ½ years old.

    Chase Foley is fighting cancer, and on Sunday he wanted to get some ice cream and ride a real motorcycle. With a little help from the Punishers Motorcycle Club, he got that and so much more.

    Sheriff Craig Apple presented Foley with a police badge and swore him is as an honorary deputy.

    Chase has been through a lot in his short life. He was diagnosed at one-month-old with acute lymphoblast leukemia and his family was told he wouldn't make it through the night. But he did, in fact, make it through many nights. Chase had a relapse when he was two-years-old, and had to have a bone marrow transplant.

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  • Bikers come to 5-year-old bullied girl's rescue

    Albuquerque (USA), 29 de Maio de 2015

    Bikers come to 5-year-old bullied girl's rescue

    A group of Albuquerque bikers came to 5-year-old Albuquerque girl's rescue this week.

    The girl who was bullied on her way home from school got an unexpected visit by the Punishers. They're loud, big, burly bikers dressed in black. While the men may appear dark and dangerous, the Punishers, a law enforcement motorcycle club in Albuquerque are far from it.

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  • 'The Punishers' Biker Club Takes on 7-Year-Old's School Bullies in a Unique Way

    Toledo (USA)

    Bikers come to 5-year-old bullied girl's rescue

    Alexandria Reynolds is truly a mom who thinks outside of the box when it comes to raising her daughter, Adriana. No parent likes to hear that their child is being picked on, and most will address the issue directly with the school. Not Alexandria. She decided to take a different approach and show those kids, and her daughter, that being different is the best thing to be.

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